Germany: 1 million teachers, nurses and other state employees secure key pay raise | DW | 03.03.2019
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A long overdue wage agreement gives pay raises to teachers and state employees in public sector. State employees will get 8% pay raise implemented over 33 months.
By end of 2021 state employees would make at least additional 240 euros per month. The deal impacts 3.3 million people in Germany- 1 million state workers and 2.3 million civil servants and pensioners. Extra money was allocated for health care workers who receive additional 120 euros per month. Child care workers at daycares and teachers also get upto 105 euros additional per month on top of the raise.
There are severe shortages in schools, daycare centers, hospitals, and this helps to make the public sector more attractive for people to join. Making these professions more attractive was a dire need in Germany not tackled earlier.
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