BACK TO DOG BREEDS Affenpinscher OVERVIEW PUPPIES BREED STANDARD Temperament: Confident, Famously Funny, Fearless AKC Breed Popularity: Ranks 148 of 191 Height: 9-11.5 inches Weight: 7-10 pounds Life Expectancy: 12-15 years Group: Toy Group Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club Courtesy of ©American Kennel Club 1 2 3 4 5 The Affenpinscher: loyal, curious, and famously amusing; this almost-human toy dog is fearless out of all proportion to his size. As with all great comedians, it’s the Affenpinscher’s apparent seriousness of purpose that makes his an...